Conversion & Repair

[box]Conversion[/box] Owing to changing environment, the ship owner is always weighing the economic feasibility of up grading the vessels in the fleet. These changes can be attributed to regulations, operational requirements, changing market demands or a plain desire to make improvements. Depending on these, such conversion could be as short as a few weeks (for […]

A Floating Villa on its way

Economic Times WANT to spend your holiday in a floating villa that glides over the turquoise waters of a coral island? Well, the dream holiday might come true if the business plans of two Kochi-based companies turn out to be a reality. Navgathi Marine Design & Constructions, a specialist in the manufacture of marine crafts […]

Basic Design

Of Ships, Offshore vessels, Boats, and Marine Structures. [box]Concept Design[/box] Feasibility study and Economic analysis Detailed study of a project to assess its economic feasibility and functional needs. Concept Design and Specification Preparation of tender documents Analysis of specification and design assistance in early project stage Preparation of concept design [box]Initial Design & Basic Design[/box] […]