Pre-Purchase & Delivery

[box]Pre-Purchase Inspections[/box] We offer our value added services in pre-purchase inspection of ships resulting in a detailed technical report based on a thorough inspection of the vessel and equipments by professionals. This technical report is a valuable asset for a buyer to asses the commercial value of the vessel both in terms of future earning […]

New Construction

[box]New Shipbuilding Project Management[/box] Navgathi offers a wide range of services in managing complex shipbuilding and offshore construction. We can built a project team from a vast pool of experienced professionals customized to the needs of the client. We vouch to work for the Client interest and not merely create documentation to satisfy the basic […]

Other Design

[box]Structural Analysis[/box] Global Structural Analysis Longitudinal Strength Analysis Stress Analysis for Static & Dynamic Loading Vibration Analysis Fatigue Analysis [box]Stability Analysis[/box] Hydrostatics Intact Stability Analysis Loading Manual with Strength Curves (SF & BM Curves) Damage Stability Analysis Probabilistic Damage Stability Analysis Loading Conditions & Ballasting Procedures [box]Inclining Experiment[/box] Deadweight Survey Inclining Procedure & conduct Inclining […]


Navgathi has designed compact dredgers for application in shallow and narrow water bodies. [box]Cutter Suction Dredgers [/box] Cutter suction dredger Designed by Marine experts Built with Marine grade materials and equipments Suitable for dredging shallow and narrow water bodies No. of vessels: Three in operation [box]Backhoe Dredgers[/box] Back hoe dredger Designed by Marine experts Built […]