Finite Elemental Analysis (C008)

[box]SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED[/box] The workshop of Design using FEA, eight in the training series, in Kochi was successfully completed with participants from industry and academia. Some of the representatives include scientists from NPOL and research scholar from College of Engineering Trivandrum. [box]ABSTRACT[/box] What will Eiffel Tower look like if we used finite element method to redesign […]

Fundamentals of Hydraulics (C006)

[box]SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETED[/box] The workshop of Fundamentals of Hydraulics, sixth in the training series, in Kochi was successfully completed with participants from industry. [box]INTRODUCTION[/box] Fundamentals of Hydraulics An understanding of Hydraulics from an Industrial perspective Current problem – Lack of industrial level training to upgrade the skills of resources in the making low cost automation [box]EVENT[/box] […]

Cutter Suction Dredger for Irrigation Department

Client: Irrigation Department, Kerala State, India Builder: KSINC Sub-contractor: APM Marine Scope: Complete Design including cutter blade, Production Drawings and technical support during construction stage. Summary: The project was for two dredgers. The design and dimensions were made as per a market study on the performance of existing dredgers and customer survey done on current […]

Dredger launching

It was a momentous occasion for Team Navgathi with the successful launching of the first dredger in the two vessel project for Irrigation Department, Kerala State. The dredgers were contracted to KSINC for construction and the work was done by APM Marine. Navgathi did the complete design of the dredger right from basic design to […]