Navgathi make waves in Pookode lake

Navgathi launches two unique products in the Pookode lake – inaugurated by the honorable  Minsister of Tourism, Sri. Anil Kumar. The first one is a water tricycle – a not so common means of pedaling on water. There are very few places where this product is available. Sri. Anil Kumar also took a ride in […]

Navgathi using Foran V70

Navgathi has joined a list of leading ship designers and shipyards using the much acclaimed ship design software package from SENER – Foran V70. Henceforth basic design (hull form design and naval architecture calculations) would be performed in this software. About SENER* SENER is a private engineering and technology group founded in Bilbao in 1956 […]

Launch of Western Aida

The first vessel in series of six bulk carriers under construction at Hyundai Mipo Dockyard, S.Korea was launched from the drydock. The series of six 37,000 DWT Bulk Carriers are build for the Swiss owner, Western Group and a team of ten professionals from Navgathi are in the site representing the owner. The delivery of […]