How public boats do better business than private 

Upholding the principles of responsible tourism, the Kerala government is launching Malanad – Malabar River Cruise Project. The project will provide different thematic boating experiences to attract tourists to less explored northern Kerala water bodies. State Water Transport Department recently launched a Water taxi boat at Parassinikadavu, a rejuvenating experience for the passengers visiting the Malabar river […]

Navgathi delivers second water taxi to KSWTD at Parassinikkadavu

The new year started with a high when we delivered the second boat in the four water taxi series to Kerala State Water Transport Department in Kannur. The handover took place on 4th January 2021 at the Parassinikadavu boat terminal. The vessels are part of Navgathi Nirva series. Sri. A K Saseendran, Hon. Transport Minister […]

Design of Scrubber Casing

Vessel: 82,938 MT Bulk Carrier Background: In order to comply with IMO 2020 Sulphur cap, the vessel owners intended to install a scrubber on-board the vessel to wash off the Sulphur components from the exhaust. Since there is not enough space to install the scrubber inside the engine room or the funnel, it was decided […]

Boat Maintenance: Give Proper Care For Your Boats

MAINTENANCE CONCEPT The concept of maintenance applies to the different systems, products & materials. These include retaining or restoring the equipment or product to its designed function ability. Maintenance is a common term for us, but many are not aware of the actual needs & requirements of this term, especially in boats. On-time maintenance has a […]